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Enkelt og greit om workshop


Enkelt og greit om workshop

Workshops har blitt en uvurderlig del av moderne arbeidsliv. Enten det er å brainstorme nye ideer, løse komplekse problemer eller knytte et team sammen, workshops er en effektiv måte å samle mennesker og sette i gang kreative prosesser.

Det enkle svaret på hvorfor man gjennomfører en workshop er fordi man bør kjenne godt til bedriften og problemene man skal løse og da er dette en fin måte å hente informasjon på.

Hvorfor har man workshop?

Workshops tilbyr en unik mulighet til å samle ulike perspektiver og ekspertise for å løse utfordringer eller oppnå mål. De fremmer samarbeid, kreativitet og innovasjon, og gir deltakerne en følelse av eierskap til prosessen og resultatene. Det er lurt å ha en plan for hva som skal til slutt leveres, om det er en rapport eller et annet produkt, som en nettside. Har en workshop uten et godt mål er det lett å ikke se vitsen.

Hvordan har man workshop?

En vellykket workshop krever grundig planlegging og struktur. Det er en del arbeid før den settes i gang. Om du skal holde dette selv så start med å spørre ChatGPT, tema og ideer som er veldig amerikanske kan Chat lett gi deg gode svar på hvor man kan starte. Men det er jo best å ha en med erfaring å holde workshop.

Hvordan fasilitere en workshop?

En god workshop-fasilitator spiller en avgjørende rolle i å sikre at alle deltakerne blir hørt, at diskusjonen forblir fokusert, og at målene oppnås.

Typiske øvelser i en workshop?

Workshops kan inneholde en rekke øvelser, inkludert brainstorming, gruppediskusjoner, rolle lek, og problemløsningsaktiviteter. Jeg bruker ofte en rekke ord som deltagerne skal finne ut passe med seg eller ikke. Ordene er ladet og er i kontrast med hverandre for forstå og plassere bedriften, eller prosjektet, i riktig kategori. Målet mitt er ofte et visuelt produkt og gjennom ordets makt kan jeg ledes i riktig retning.

Må man ha workshop for å starte et prosjekt?

Nei, egentlig ikke, men det kommer an på hva som ønskes, og hvor komplekst prosjektet er. Så ja, om det er et større prosjekt. Ca 200 000,- og oppover er fint å vite hva man holder på med.

Hvordan oppsummere en workshop?

Etter avslutningen av en workshop er det viktig å oppsummere hovedpunktene, identifisere handlingstrinn og eventuelle oppfølginger som må tas. Dette kan gjøres gjennom en felles oppsummeringssesjon eller oppsummeringsdokument/rapport til deltakerne, evt. at det blir et produkt som nevn over.

Hva kan man kalle workshop på norsk?

På norsk kan en workshop også refereres til som et arbeidsseminar, arbeidmøte, arbeidsgruppe, gruppearbeid, men å bare bruke “workshop” har liksom blitt normalen.

Hvorfor bruker man så mye post-it lapper i en workshop?

Post-it lapper er et populært verktøy i workshops fordi de er enkle å bruke, flytte rundt, og organisere. De lar deltakerne skrive ned ideer, kommentarer eller spørsmål, henge på knagger, og deretter dele dem med resten av gruppen på en visuell og strukturert måte.

Post-it lapper ble til ved en tilfeldighet da en 3M-kjemiker, Spencer Silver, utviklet et svakt klebrig lim som senere ble brukt av en annen ansatt, Arthur Fry, for å lage et midlertidige bokmerker i en sangbok.


Animated Lottie Logo on Squarespace


Animated Lottie Logo on Squarespace

I’ve done some updates at this site and created a new logoanimation.

But it took some time to find the right solution, so here’s a short guide on how to set it up.

Add the logoanimation

First we need to add the JSON-file to the site. This is just a placeholder so we have it visible some where. A perfect spot is in the footer, since that is rendered on every page.

So Edit the footer at the bottom of the site and add a </>Code block.

In my case I added this:

<dotlottie-player src="" background="transparent" speed="1" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;" loop autoplay></dotlottie-player>

And if you want it to link back to your index page (first page), add this before and after the lottie.

<a href="/"></a>

Like this:

<a href="/"><dotlottie-player src="" background="transparent" speed="1" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;" loop autoplay></dotlottie-player></a>

Add the engine

Next we'll find Website Tools. Go into Website, Pages and scroll down and find Website Tools.

Here you are going to add the Java Script driver so the site understands how a JSON-file from Lottie should be played.

Scroll down to the Footer and add this script code.

<script src="" type="module"></script>

So this is adding the engine to your site. Every Lottie JSON file will now be played like it was a native solution.

Move it to the header

Then we need to change the position of the </>Code block to the menu.

In the code below, the div#... is the code-block div number and unique name for that div block. This will have a totally different name on your site and will change if you for instance add a new code-block. Use Inspector/Inspect in your browser of choice to pick that name.

The div#... will then switched placement with the .site-title. The Class name, the .site-title, can be different on your site, so change it accordingly. So the code is:

  $(document).ready(function() { 

Hide the old logo

Then we need to hide the old logo. If you use text only as a logo use .site-title or something similar. If it's an image use .site-title img, and display none will hide the old logo.

  .site-title img{
    display: none;

That’s it. Hope it works for you too, and comment here if there’s any questions.


IKEA hack - Björksnes - remove unwanted noise


IKEA hack - Björksnes - remove unwanted noise

Yes, this is an unusual subject for my site, but it’s my platform so here we go. 

I have a Björksnes bed that started to make squeaky noises. I’ve tried to tighten every knot but in short time the noise came back.  

But finally, I found the noise, and an easy fix. 

When you build the bed, you have a metal bar that goes across. This has two thinner bars that goes across in the other direction. Hand where these meets, there’s the problem. Metal against metal isn’t a god combo. 

By adding some electrical tape around the metal bar heads fixed this pretty quickly, on every connecting part.

Now I don’t need to hear the squeaky sound every time I move.

Have a good sleep!


So many threads! New year, new computer!


So many threads! New year, new computer!

New year, new computer!

After the release of AMD Ryzen Threadripper computer processors the following years, that look really promising on both price and power, I jumped on the wagon and upgraded my system.

My criteria: I wanted it to be as up to date as possible (many programs ended their Windows 7 support). Have the best graphic card that worked great with Arnold renderer GPU version (CUDA cores). Storage that reading and wright really really fast. And a case that can run as silent as possible.


AMD Ryzen ThreadRipper 3970X - 3.7 GHz - 32-cores - 64 threads (CPU)
Noctua NH-U14S TR4-SP3 CPU cooler
be quiet! Silent Base 601 - Black - Cabinet (no glass, no RGB “fanciness”, just a black box)
Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64bit
Kingston A2000 1TB NVMe M.2 SSD
HyperX Fury DDR4 2666MHz 64GB
ZOTAC GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
Noctua NF-A15 PWM - 140 mm - 19 dBA (cool the CPU)
Noctua NF-A14 PWM - 140 mm - 19 dBA (Cabinet fan)
Cooler Master V Series V1000 1000watt


So if you know any of these parts a question would be; why do I cool the system with fans and not a water cooler? I hate noise and after a lot of research I found that there’s a lot of good low noise fans that work as good as a water cooler. And with fans I would not hear the gurgling noise form the water pump.

If there’s anything that could be better is the be quiet! cased. It came with some noisy fans. And with some tinkering in bios, an picking up two Noctua fan, I could cool my system from 95 °C to 85°C at full load over time, with out bugging me and the rest of the office at all. But I think I would like it around 70 °C on full load and need to pick up some more fans and get rid of the be quiet! ones.

The system is blazing fast and stable, a must for me, I don’t want the computer to hold me back in any way when working on a project. And I can’t do any over clocking, since I want it stable for work and not only showing off :P

Cinebench r20 score: 17257 pts!. Many test online has a Cinebench around 16988 pts.

I’m now hoping I’m done with online render farms. The computer is about ten times faster then my 2018 MacBook pro, making it easier to get the rendered images I want.

Some images from the computer build.


New Photos on Unsplash


New Photos on Unsplash

I've uploaded a lot of new images to my Unsplash. You can download and use these images for free if you want, and use it for both commercial or personal work. So why do I upload these images to Unsplash, and all up for grabs? The reason is that I use this service a lot, and it's how I pay back to this fantastic service and community. I've earned a lot of money by using all the free images I need to communicate to my clients the way I want and need.

So take a look at my images and grab what you want ;)

Screenshot_2018-08-25 Jørgen Håland ( jhaland) Unsplash Photo Community(1).jpg


Know, like and trust, how to get more clients


Know, like and trust, how to get more clients

Read this text by the Futur:

If I look back at my clients. Most of them I would be able to track back to single events or persons. I can draw a node tree, that would be intricate, but with more or less no broken link.

It's all about contacts and who you know. But these contacts need to like you, and you need to be trusted to get the work.

In the 10 things sum up, there's a lot of great tips. Not just for designers, but for anyone that want an interesting work life.

So keep on gaining knowledge from different sources, and remember there's no quick fix.

And If there's anything on the list I can help with don't hesitate to contact me! :)

Photo by Andy Beales on Unsplash
